From the Gospel of Life Committee


Does a $100 bill still have the same value if it is crumbled up or trampled on?  Are we still interested in its value even though it has now taken a different form?  I think we would all agree, the answer is Yes.  What if that $100 bill is destroyed?  What if it is shredded or burned?  Do we still have the same interest in its value?  Are we interested in keeping it from being destroyed?  Human life is priceless.  A human being, no matter how small or physically or intellectually developed, has the same inherent value, from conception to natural death.  Jesus tells us the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to “these little ones,” and that, above all, we are to protect “the least of these.”  Is not the child in the womb “the least” of the least of these? 

Maryland is facing a crucial vote this November.  We will all be asked to vote on a Proposed Amendment to the Maryland Constitution which makes “reproductive freedom” a fundamental right.  What constitutes “reproductive freedom” is not defined in this Proposed Amendment.  This means any matter falling under the umbrella of “reproductive freedom” could be enshrined in the Maryland Constitution – not just abortion.  This could affect your parental rights, conscientious or religious objections, and it provides no protection for minors.  Furthermore, passing any future laws that provide protections for women, children, parents and minors, would be extremely difficult since it would now be a constitutional matter.  The Proposed Amendment is called the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment.  Please contact the Archdiocese Office of Life, Justice and Peace, and/or your state legislators to express your concerns over this Proposed Amendment and to learn more about it. 

From the Maryland Catholic Bishops: Reject Assisted Suicide 

Our Maryland bishops are calling for a better path for Maryland that “does not involve suicide” in a new letter, “A Better Way Forward” (English and Spanish). 

They urge “people of good will to demand that our lawmakers reject suicide as an end-of-life option and to choose the better, safer path that involves radical solidarity with those facing the end of their earthly journey….choose the path that models true compassion and dignity to those facing end of life decisions and protects the most vulnerable…” 

Keep the emails going to the legislators – and share your story. Your personal story as a caregiver or a person who has lived with a serious illness or disability helps put a human face on the gift of life and the harmful nature of this bill. You can take action and share your story here or at (click “take action” to get to the action center). 

Pope Francis: Pray for the terminally ill in February 

Pope Francis is asking Catholics worldwide to pray for the terminally ill and their caregivers in February. (Feb. 11 is World Day of the Sick).  “When some people talk about terminal illnesses, there are two words they often confuse: incurable and un-carable. But they are not the same. Even when little chance for a cure exists, every sick person has the right to medical, psychological, spiritual and human assistance. …Healing is not always possible, but we can always care for the sick person…Saint John Paul II used to say, ‘cure if it is possible; always take care.’…And this is where palliative care comes in. It guarantees the patient not only medical attention, but also human assistance and closeness. Families should not be left alone in these difficult moments. Their role is decisive. They need access to adequate means so as to provide appropriate physical, spiritual and social support.” 

Let us pray that the sick who are in the final stages of life, and their families, receive the necessary medical and human care and accompaniment. 

HOLY INNOCENTS: an Archdiocese of Baltimore ministry, with a mission to assure every child who is miscarried has a sacred place to be buried at no cost to the family. Burials occurs twice per year at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery. If you or someone you know is miscarrying or has miscarried and needs a sacred place for burial, call 410-547-3142 or [email protected].

RESPECT LIFE CORNER Pregnant, need help? Gabriel Network 1-800-ANGEL-OK; Crisis Pregnancy 410-354-6900 or 800-286-4244 Suffering post-abortion stress? Contact Project Racheal 410-625-8491,

40 DAYS FOR LIFE Fall Campaign: Sept 27-Nov 5. This is a prayerful and peaceful way to support moms facing a difficult pregnancy and to help them choose life for their babies. For local participation:
*Catonsville • Oct 7 @9am: Pray the Living Rosary, front lawn, Chin Baptist Church • Saturday, Oct 14 @8am: Mass at St. Agnes with Eucharistic Procession that follows. View campaign video and sign up to pray at
*Fullerton 40 Days begins on the sidewalk in front of the Shopping Center, 7600 Belair Rd. 7am-7pm, 7 days per week. There is usually a Eucharist Procession-stay tuned! Contact Beth & Maria at [email protected].
*Lutherville campaign will meet on the side street perpendicular to Femi-Care,1212 York Rd. For more information, contact

TAKE ACTION! & stay informed: The proposed “Reproductive Freedom Amendment” to the Maryland Constitution, will be voted on in the Nov’24 Election. If passed, this measure will enshrine the right to an abortion for any reason up until birth, threatening existing Constitutional rights and reasonable protections for women and their babies. Right now, abortion is legal for any reason through “viability,” or 24 weeks from conception. Maryland Right to Life is providing Marylanders the opportunity to sign a petition opposing the Referendum. Please commit to praying 3 Memorares every day to defeat the ballot question on the 2024 Maryland ballot that proposes to insert both abortion and non-defined “reproductive freedom” into the Maryland state constitution.

TREE OF LIFE FALL CPC GALA: October 6 6pm VIP Reception / 7pm Dinner & Program with guest speaker former Raven, Matt Birk Register at CPCFORHELP.ORG

CONTACT YOUR STATE LEGISTATORS! about the following dangerous bills being proposed right now in the Maryland General Assembly:

1) Adding “Reproductive Freedom” to the Maryland Constitution This proposal permanently changes our state constitution to include anything that falls under this term, including unlimited abortion and transgender treatments for children. (SB798)

2) The legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide (SB845)

3) Increasing Medicaid to $11 million for abortions in Maryland

4) Requiring Maryland public colleges and universities to implement an abortion curriculum (SB0341)

5) HB001/SB686, which would remove the statute of limitations on civil claims for future child abuse allegations and retroactively revive claims currently time-barred. This bill also treats public and private schools, including Catholic, differently by setting the ceiling lower on how much a public school can be sued, as compared to a private or Catholic school.

Visit for more information on how you can voice your concerns.


If you  like to learn more about the Gospel of Life Committee,
or have any questions, please email [email protected]

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The Bible Tells Us   VIDEOS


As Catholics, we believe each and every person is equal in value and dignity from the moment of conception to natural death because we are created in God’s likeness and image. (Genesis 1:27) This is why we feel so strongly about the unborn child and reject euthanasia (physician-assisted suicide) and eugenics of the elderly and those with special needs. 

The Gospel of Life Committee:

      • Creates awareness of life-affirming issues in accordance with Catholic teachings and our Catholic faith.

      • Informs on legislative issues and programs in support of life.

      • Encourages participation in service projects, such as the annual National and Maryland Marches for Life, 40 Days for Life, and Crisis Pregnancy Centers.

      • Provides Education on issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, adoption, infertility, natural family planning, St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, being good stewards of God’s creation, and the death penalty.