To make a single/one-time donation
Single Donation
Scroll to the bottom of the linked page to make a one-time donation.
If you are making a memorial donation, there is a place to leave the memorial information in the notes once you submit and are on page 2.


To sign up for Faith Direct
Faith Direct is a way to support the mission of the Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier (Faith Direct Code:MD523). You choose when you want to give and how much. By enrolling in Faith Direct, you will no longer receive church envelopes and you can print your tax statement directly from your Faith Direct account page.


To Mail Your Donation:
Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier
13717 Cuba Road, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030


Registered Parishioners who choose to use Offertory Envelopes
A booklet of envelopes is mailed to you when you register with the parish and choose envelopes as your prefered method of giving.
Each year we will mail you a new booklet in October.
If you have questions about your envelopes or have not received your envelopes, please contact the Parish Office ([email protected] or 410-785-0356).
We do ask that you consider using Faith Direct. It is a great way to keep our operating costs down.