Since 1990, our community has operated from a clear philosophy of giving, one which flows naturally from our philosophy of governance. When you join our parish community you become an “owner,” you belong. As “owners,” community members have the responsibility and the opportunity to give of themselves according to each one’s gifts and abilities in three areas: Time, Talent, and Treasure.

St. Francis Xavier does not exist to provide services as needed. We exist as a community to help each other grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission statement directs our work.

We cannot do God’s work without financial support. Money is a measure of our priorities. To carry on our mission, we ask each member yearly to indicate what support each can give. We are asked to give according to our ability. In this way we can receive according to our need.

Contributions can be made weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly. We encourage members to make a monthly contribution, if possible. The majority of our contributions come in monthly. Many checks are mailed in. Signing up for Faith Direct makes this easy for you and for our parish office.

All parish general operating expenses are paid from the community budget/offertory income. That is why we do not charge for religious education or sacramental preparation; nor do we have second collections. We must meet our approved offertory income budget in order to accomplish this. Our expenses grow due to inflation and mandated increases. Our Finance Committee monitors all expenses carefully, but we need everyone to participate.

On occasion, we will engage in “dedicated fund raising” events to financially support projects not covered in the approved parish operating budget.

The best solution is to be an “owner” by making a defined financial commitment – either signing up for Faith Direct or writing a monthly check. This is the only way a faith community can operate in a financially secure fashion.