Examining our conscience and going to confession helps us become more aware of the consequences of our actions on both ourselves and others. With this insight we can better work toward making a change, especially when we have failed to be who God calls us to be.  When we ask for, and experience, God’s loving forgiveness, we receive God’s grace which gives us strength.

Children in second grade and above are invited to prepare for First Reconciliation (Confession).  The preparation consists of a Parent Meeting, at home study and a Parent-Child retreat. A date will be provided for First Reconciliation or you may schedule an opportunity for your child’s First Reconciliation, once the preparation is completed.

Parent preparation sessions help parents determine a child’s readiness. They also provide support guiding parents in how to best prepare your child for this sacrament.

For more information, please contact
Meg Knarr in the Parish Office by phone 410-785-0356 or by email [email protected]